The 'Big Kids' and the 'Younger Kids' posing in front of our Bible verse Banner.
This week we got to lead a sports camp for the Livada group homes kids from Casa Ana, Casa Nadia and Casa Rebecca. We picked our theme verse for the week from Ephesians ~ "Finally, be strong in the Lord's mighty power" ~ Eph. 6:10. We put out a challenge to the kids to learn it both in Romanian and in English. Although they some looked at us like we were crazy, they have been diligent at learning it and perfecting their English. It has been fun for Jeff and I to take on the challenge too - the kids have had a real kick out of listening to us speak some more difficult Romanian words, at least we think so! The sign in the background was designed by our good friend from church, Amber Lee. The kids thought it was pretty cool!
Each day we kick off camp with training our minds as well as our bodies. We start by going over the verse and then Coach Jeff helps us with warm-ups and drills. He taught us a chant he uses with his kids at school each time we change stretches. Everything goes smoothly until we come to the jumping jacks. These kids had no idea what they were and it was quite hilarious to see them try it before we went over it step-by-step. If I had only known what a disaster it was going to be - I would have filmed it! All of the Americans and Romanian adult just about fell down laughing. By Wednesday they had it down... for the most part. Then Coach teaches us drills for th sport f the day and we finish off our time with the game. In the morning we are with the younger kids and in the afternoon we switch. Our goal for the last hour was to reward them with a trip to the swimming pool, caled "The Weekend" if weather permits. Believe it our not, it had been wuite rainy and cold here, even in the middle of July!
Monday we started off the week with Basketball. We were able to take the kids to a basketball court across town to go over how to dribble, shoot and pass. They love basketball and the bigger kids enojoyed learning how to spruce up their game.
Tuesday we attempted to teach Volleyball. With the little ones we slowly practiced serving the ball and bumping the ball with actual volleyballs. After many complaints of the pain, we ended our practice with a game using this huge yellow inflatable ball - they had a blast. All was well and fun until one little one went for a logn shot and ran into our make-shift net and torn it down. Since it was a hot day, we decided to pack it up and head to the pool! Going to public pool in any European city is a site to see, especially here. As you can imagine, the more shocking to the Western culture, the more common it is! It is amazing to us how much these kids are exposed to, not just in living in the orphanages, but by what society deems exceptable. Such different cultures!
We are living in Romania to serve orphans with the ministry Livada Orphan Care. Although this blog is mostly about our family, it now includes some of our daily adventures with the kids.
To find our more about who we serve with, check out For more details on what our kids are doing, check out I currently update the Livada blog, so you'll see a bit of us in there too! Please keep us in your prayers as we live and serve here in Romania!
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