This is one of our favorite things to say when we are with other family...'Who loves Jack?' He gets such a kick out of watching us gush over him..not to spoil him, but to show him he's loved. What greater gift can you give your child than to show him how loved and cherished his his parents..his family...and above all his heavenly Father. As we look to move to Romania for a short time, we are reminded daily that we will be with many children who don't know that love...that permanent love that doesn't fade no matter how you act or talk...the kind of unconditional love that surpasses understanding. We pray that Jack will always know he is loved and that we can bring that sweetness to the kids in Romania.
We are living in Romania to serve orphans with the ministry Livada Orphan Care. Although this blog is mostly about our family, it now includes some of our daily adventures with the kids.
To find our more about who we serve with, check out For more details on what our kids are doing, check out I currently update the Livada blog, so you'll see a bit of us in there too! Please keep us in your prayers as we live and serve here in Romania!
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